1. Training Services. Analyst Skills and the Student (each a “Party,” together referred to as the “Parties”), have agreed that Analyst Skills will provide certain Training Services, as described below, to the Student, and have agreed to the following terms.
  2. Scope of Services. “Services” means training in the delivery of Software Development Projects utilizing the Waterfall & Agile methodologies as a Business Analyst. Services also include interview preparation and resume preparation and reviews. Additionally ongoing consultation after the class is complete can be scheduled at the discretion of Analyst Skills. Consultation is defined as assistance with on-the-job guidance and mentorship after the Student secures employment as a Business Analyst, or related field.
  3. Term of Agreement. The Services in Scope will last 10 weeks.
  4. Fee for Services. The payment of 1,499 U.S. Dollars is required in full upon acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
  5. Taxes. Unless Analyst Skills provides the Student with notice that Analyst Skills is exempt from collecting and paying applicable sales taxes, the Student shall pay all applicable sales taxes on the Fees to Analyst Skills and Analyst Skills shall be responsible for remitting such sales taxes on goods and services to the appropriate taxation authority.
  6. Services. Analyst Skills shall perform the Services to the best of its ability and to a standard of a reasonable professionalism within the industry of the Services. Any personnel or guest speakers assisting in teaching Analyst Skills shall perform their work to the same professional standard.
  7. Conflicts. Analyst Skills shall not be restricted in delivering its services to other individuals or businesses while the Services are being delivered to the Student.
  8. Indemnity. The Student shall indemnify and hold harmless Analyst Skills or any of its directors, officers, employees or agents (the “Releasees”) from any and all claims, actions, losses, expenses, costs or damages that the Student or any of its directors, officers, employees or agents (the “Releasors”) may have now, in the past, or in the future, as a result of the negligence of Analyst Skills or its personnel in the performance or non-performance of the Services.
  9. Intellectual Property. Intellectual Property created by the student as a direct output of the training provided by Analyst Skills belong exclusively to the Student.
  10. Not an Employee. Analyst Skills and any of its employees or personnel who may be delivering the Services under this Agreement are not employees of the Student and are not entitled to receive any employment benefits from the Student. Further, the Student shall not be required to make contributions for employment insurance, provincial/state or federal pension plans, workers’ compensation or similar premiums, employer health tax and other similar levies on behalf of any of Analyst Skills’ employees or personnel.
  11. Termination of Services or Attendance with Notice. Analyst Skills may terminate all services with 10 Business Days prior written notice to the student if there are any perceived threats or harassment made to Analyst Skills or other Students participating in the trainings (defined in #1 as Services).
  12. Amendments. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties to be valid and binding.
  13. Governing Law and Forum. This Agreement shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of New York State and the federal laws applicable therein. Any disputes arising from this Agreement or between the Parties with respect to the Services shall be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in the City of Rochester, New York.
  14. Refunds. No refunds under any circumstances.

 By accepting, you agree to the terms and conditions.