• Duration 10 weeks
  • Certificate Yes
  • Analyst Skills

    Analyst Skills


This course is designed to teach you to be a high performing Business Analyst (BA) – by the end you will have the skills that companies are looking for in a successful BA.

About this Course

This course is designed to teach you to be a high performing Business Analyst (BA) – by the end you will have the skills that companies are looking for in a successful BA.

Your journey starts with learning what to expect day to day, practicing with tools you’ll need to be successful and understanding who your team members will be at work. From there you will dive in and get hands-on with learning and practicing the work you will be doing. Throughout the course we’re going to package your work into a Digital Portfolio to share with hiring companies and to reuse when you start your new job.

Interview preparation – not only will you be confident and comfortable when you meet your interviewers, but you will be ready to answer the questions that come your way and have done the work to back it up. The last month is spent on 1 on 1 coaching and group interviews.

Your non-tech skills, that are going to have companies chasing after you

  • Clear and direct communication
  • Active listening
  • Detail oriented
  • Great time manager
  • Being curious and comfortable asking questions
  • Remaining calm in stressful situations
  • Being comfortable not always knowing the answer but putting in effort to find the answer
  • Enjoy working with people from all backgrounds

Put them together

Coach Sunny is going to use this course to teach you how to take advantage of your non-tech skills that are hard to find in the Technology Industry – just like he did, starting 11 years ago.  By the end of the course, you be fully prepared to begin working as a high-quality Business Analyst in the Tech Industry.

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